Having somewhere dry and warm to sleep, to prepare meals and be with your family is vital for starting the long process of rebuilding your life after disaster strikes. We have sponsored a ShelterBox annually since 2007. The complete box consists of a large tent that sleeps 6 to 8 people as well as cooking utensils, a wood fired stove, water purification supplies, a solar light and blankets. The full kit also contains a few toys for children. Lately we have found that many people prefer to remain in their own homes, rather than move into a tent so we have provided ShelterKits which are tarps and nails which allow people to do quick repairs and remain in their homes where possible.
ShelterBox teams work with disaster-hit families around the world, offering emergency shelter and other essential items to support them in this effort.
Every disaster is different and so is every community, so Shelter Box teams spend time with those affected to make sure they can offer the right support at the right time. These teams can travel by boat, helicopter or tuk-tuk to get to the families who need support – whatever it takes to get to the people who have lost their homes to disaster.