Who We Are
Through Leadership, Partnership and Action, we engage with our community to create sustainable solutions for a better, safer and healthier life for all people everywhere.
The Rotary Club of LaSalle Centennial (RCLC) is a member of Rotary International District 6400, which consists of clubs in Essex County and Southeastern Michigan.
Our club was chartered on February 23, 2005, the 100th Anniversary of Rotary International, which is why the word Centennial is part of our name. The 30 founding members had a vision to bring the ideal of Rotary to the Town of LaSalle. RCLC was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, which provided invaluable support to our founders.
Today we have 26 active members committed to the Rotary cause of Service Above Self. Our members are a diverse group of professionals dedicated to improving our local and global community through volunteerism, fellowship, networking, and the highest of ethical standards.
In all of our activities we are guided by
The 4 Way Test of the things we think, say and do:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
LaSalle Rotarians are volunteers dedicated to improving their
local and global communities. Locally, we support the youth in
LaSalle through our Interact Club and the LaSalle Hangout. Our
Holiday Hope food basket program has been helping families
since 2006. We also provide meals to the Downtown Mission and
The Welcome Centre Shelter for Women. Globally, LaSalle
Rotarians are helping to eradicate polio, supply clean water in
Africa, India and Mexico, build medical and educational facilities
in Ethiopia, and provide support to youth in Malawi.
Fellowship and friendship are also important goals of Rotary. Our club values this important component.
If our mission and projects interest you, if you want to join an organization that will value your commitment, and if you want to have fun while supporting communities both at home and abroad, email us at lasallecentennial@gmail.com for more information. We would love to meet you!
Please browse our site to learn more about our fun and transformative work.